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Express Wireless Offers Prepaid (No Contract) Phone Plans

Express Wireless is a proud authorized dealer for many of the best Prepaid (No Contract) service providers in the country. We give our customers a wide range of options to choose the best carrier with the best plan that fits their needs and budget.

group of people with cell phones

We Know You Deserve More

At Express Wireless, we believe having no annual contract wireless service shouldn’t mean getting less than other people. In fact, we think it’s time you got more. For less. That is why we give you “our customer” the best choices of wireless carriers with unlimited talk, text, and web. Or to pick your plan with the carrier of your choice which fits your budget and style.

Prepaid Providers

Find out more about our wireless service providers and partners by clicking on their names below.

Boost Mobile

Boost Mobile gives you everything you could want in a wireless carrier. High-speed data, unlimited talk & text, and unlimited music streaming without data charges are included on all plans. Plus, we offer a wide selection of the latest phones from top brands at prices you can afford. It’s more than you’d expect from a wireless service. And it all comes with no annual service contracts.

Verizon Prepaid

With Verizon No Annual Contract Plans (also known as prepaid) you pay in advance for your service, You can also choose from our monthly plans with no deposits or credit checks. Stop by any of our convenient locations and You can choose from any of the prepaid monthly phone plans with America’s most reliable network.

AT&T Prepaid

With AT&T Prepaid service for your phone, you get: no annual contract, no credit check, easy activation, and great plan and phone choices to fit your needs, all on the nation’s best network.

Page Plus

At Page Plus, we work hard to bring you mobile phones and prepaid plans with nationwide coverage that are simple, smart, and convenient. As one of the largest prepaid mobile providers in the United States, we can do a lot to help you and your family save money, time, and hassles.

All of our plans have the great features you expect. And switching plans is easy, too.


With SIMPLE Mobile, you get unlimited talk, worldwide text, and data—all backed by a major nationwide network—with great coverage. It’s a premium wireless experience at an unbelievably low price. It’s easy to join. Just bring your own unlocked GSM phone or buy one from any of our locations, choose the right plan for you and prepay a small monthly fee.

H2O Wireless

H2O Wireless offers no-contract wireless services for every need and budget on the nation’s largest and most reliable GSM networks. Get unlimited domestic and international talk and text, data, pay-per-use plans, and more with phones from every major brand. Or, use H2O Wireless with your existing iPhone, Android, or another smartphone with H2O SIM Starter Kit – all with no activation, overages, or hidden fees.

NET 10 Wireless

NET10 is a prepaid wireless service offering all local, long-distance, and roaming calls. All NET10 prepaid wireless service is provided by TracFone Wireless Inc., America’s largest “No-Contract” cellular service provider in the U.S. with over 25 million subscribers.

Xfinity Prepaid

No annual contract, no deposit, and no hidden fees.

The Xfinity Prepaid Internet Starter Kit is all you need to start surfing, streaming, shopping and sharing to all your devices.


A no-contract plan gives you the freedom to take control of your cellphone use. Tracfone offers unbeatable nationwide coverage with one of the largest and most reliable networks in the country. You can carry over an unlimited number of unused minutes, and you can keep your current phone when you sign up.

Total Wireless

Enjoy the choice of keeping your phone or getting a new one when you join Total Wireless. This no-contract plan offers unlimited family plans, $10 for 5 GB that never expires, and a nationwide 5G network. An all-in-one low monthly plan is the way to go.

Go Smart

Go Smart offers five great plans at unbeatable prices. If social media is essential to you, customers get access to 4G LTE Facebook, no matter which plan you choose. No pressure to change from your current phone, no extra charges, and no hidden fees make this option a favorite.

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