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Your Local iPad Repair Center in Savannah, GA

With two locations in Savannah and Garden City, GA, Express Wireless is your local, trusted iPad repair center. We specialize in repairing electronic devices of all kinds, and our staff is trained with the knowledge and tools to provide you with fast and reliable repairs. Don’t let a cracked screen, frozen iPad, or locked device keep you from getting good use out of your Apple product. Visit one of our two convenient locations today.

woman and daughter laughing at tablet

Complete iPad Repairs

iPads are fantastic devices that allow people to watch videos, movies, facetime with friends and family, and access all of their favorite apps with a larger screen for better viewing. Good battery life and their portability mean they can be used pretty much anywhere. This also means an iPad’s durability is put to the test. They get dropped, slide off laps, are exposed to water, and get left in hot cars. Fortunately, Express Wireless has a solution for some of the most common and damaging issues that iPads face. We can help with:

  • Cracked screens
  • Touchscreen replacements
  • Water damage
  • Battery replacements
  • And more

Quick and Reliable iPad Service

You can trust the dedicated team at Express Wireless in Savannah, GA for fast and trusted iPad screen repair services. No matter how careful you are, a cracked iPad screen is practically inevitable. With busy schedules and lots of places to be, we understand how disruptive a problem with your iPad can be. we built our reputation as a device repair shop offering fast turnaround times and exceptional customer service. In addition, we guarantee the use of only the highest quality parts the industry has to offer for every repair you visit us for. We look forward to serving you.

Shop for iPads and iPad Accessories

In addition to our professional repairs, we offer a great selection of new iPads and the latest accessories. Whatever you need to outfit, protect, or personalize your iPad, we have excellent choices at both locations. Get more out of your device with screen protectors, carrying cases, headphones, and speakers.

Visit Us Today