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About Express Wireless

Express Wireless offers complete and comprehensive solutions to the daily needs and necessities of the cell phone industry. Proud of their years of expertise and vision, the company founders understood the need for a full-line cell phone store in the local communities. Express Wireless is based on three elements of business: sales, repair, and service. The company can help all its customers with all their needs for today’s demanding and ever-changing world of cellphones. At Express Wireless, we pride ourselves on having the largest inventory selection of phones, and accessories. We are committed to offering the best wireless repair service at the best price utilizing the highest quality parts that the industry has to offer. We are also a proud authorized dealer for many of the best prepaid (no contract) carriers. In simple terms, Express Wireless is all you need for all your cellphone issues. We put our comprehensive expertise to work for you as a customer in getting the best value, best service, and best customer support. With two convenient locations and growing, we stand ready and informed to answer your questions, and give you “the customer” your best options and solutions.

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