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Had an issue with my phone not charging. Brought it in. Expecting to have to have some repairs made or replace my phone. He told me that he just had to clean it out. Could've charged me for a big repair but didn't. I appreciate honest people and being treated fairly. I will be back for anything else I need.

Tim S.

What a place! If Mo doesn't have it, you likely wont need it for up to date tech. I swear by Mo, hes personable & friendly, plus he knows his tech brilliantly. I've been there a few times & he can answer any question I put to him in person or by phone. This is a full service store and you get great service. Not a ripoff! Highly recommend. A+++++++

Kim F.

Mo is a dyna Mo when it comes to fixing things right..Friendly, clean shop and glad I went there for my repairs..puppies and tablets don't mix...

Sandy Z.

Thank you guys for every thing, I recommend everybody to go there.

Steven B.

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