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Phone Unlocking in Savannah, GA

Dealing with a locked cell phone can be one of the most frustrating experiences. Fortunately, the pros at Express Wireless in Savannah and Garden City, GA can unlock phones and get you set up with a new carrier. We have two locations open seven days a week that provide complete electronic device repair services, cell phone sales, and no-contract cell plans. Our staff is professionally trained to treat every issue using the proper tools and techniques to handle all your equipment safely. Visit us today.

woman holding baby and phone

Why Is My Cell Phone Locked?

When a cell phone is locked, it will only work with the cell carrier who initially provided it. Even if the original contract with the provider has expired, the cell phone will remain locked. If you are the original owner of the phone and you want to switch providers, or you’ve purchased a second-hand cell phone from another person who has a plan with a different carrier than you, the phone will be inoperable until it is unlocked. Phones are locked by a software code, and they’re included to ensure the phone won’t be used with another carrier until a different software code is applied. We are equipped to unlock phones for customers dealing with this issue.

Other Locked Electronic Devices

Cell phones aren’t the only electronic devices that can be locked. Unlocking standards cover all mobile wireless devices, including tablets and iPads. If a tablet has a SIM card and data plan, it will be locked from being used with another carrier. Just like cell phones, tablets can be unlocked by our store personnel for use with different carriers, so visit us for help.

Visit Us for Cell Phone Unlocking

If you have a cell phone and need to switch carriers, Express Wireless in Savannah or Garden City, GA should be your first stop. We can help unlock all makes and models of cell phones and other locked devices. Stop by either of our convenient locations, and our professional technicians will unlock your phone so that you can use it with the carrier of your choice. Are you interested in a new phone? Browse our inventory of unlocked phones at both stores. We’re open seven days a week and look forward to serving you.

Visit Us Today